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Call for Proposals | Kosmos 2016 Seed Grants – Igniting Civic Engagement

Funds for NGOs
Last date 16 Feb 2016

Activities: Others

Kosmos is pleased to announce the second year of the Kosmos Seed Grant initiative. Two Kosmos Seed Grants of $2,500 each will be awarded in Spring 2016 to individuals or organizations working to advance social change, specifically by encouraging and enabling civic engagement.

Guidelines for applicants are as follows:

Any (501-C-3) non-profit organization, registered in the US, working anywhere in the world toward social change may apply. Individuals may apply through an accredited US non-profit.
Projects should have a stated duration, with clear objectives and expected outcomes.
Applicants should describe a clear and direct use of the funds and the impact it will have (i.e., not in funding general operations or overhead costs)
In the spirit of Kosmos Journal’s first printing, funded by a $2,500 grant from the Lifebridge Foundation, we offer these grants to catalyze the efforts of people working at the edge of transformation, aligned with our stated mission: “to inform, inspire and engage individual and collective participation in local and global transformation in harmony with all life.”

Our 2016 theme, ‘Igniting Civic Engagement’ is intended to encourage inclusive participation by members of the communities served by applicant organizations. We define civic engagement as ‘individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern.’ How will community voices and perspectives be represented in your initiative? How will you bring people together to ignite action?

The most compelling proposals will be those that set forth a sound plan with a strong potential for success. The deadline for submission is February 14th, 2016 and awards will be announced in early March. To apply, please provide all information requested below.

Maximum length: 750 words

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